Study with Us: Weekly Study Sessions
Date & Time
Wednesday, May 15, 2024, 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Are you trying to make time for some focused writing or study? Would you like some company while you do it to keep you on track and accountable? Please join us and get some work done together!

How does it work?

At the start of the session, we set aside 5 minutes of goal setting time for you. We can offer advice on this stage, but you are welcome to tackle it how you like. After this, we will facilitate a series of 25 minute writing blocks with 5 minute breaks in between. We will have a timer on the screen so you know how long is left in each section. This is also known as the Pomodoro technique. 

What can I work on? 

You can work on any type of university work you like! You might be writing a longer piece of assessment, doing weekly revision, or getting some of your readings done. Anything is fine. 

Do you have any more questions?

Please get in touch! You can contact us in the Study Toolkit discussion forums, or write to   

Location Name
Full Address
University of Tasmania
Virtual Session Link